Women that Inspire Us

Interview with Christine Bullock: Entrepreneur, Fitness Expert, and new Mom


Hello #ShineSociety! We'd like to introduce you to Christine Bullock. She is a local here in the South Bay and we couldn't help but notice that she seems to be nailing this whole entrepreneur/fitness expert/wife/mother thing. We are pretty new business owners and since Yaya is a new Mom to baby Hero and Hillary is expecting a little girl in July, we had to know how she does it! 

We reached out to her to ask her best tips in juggling and balancing work, fitness, family, and fun time- and making it look dang good in the process! We were thrilled that she agreed to do an interview with us so we could pick her brain and share it all with you! Enjoy getting to know her below and we are sure it will inspire you like it did us!


SS:Shine Studio is all about body positivity. What is your idea of body positivity?

CB: Recently it dawned on me that I haven’t treated my body very kindly in the past. I’ve talked about her negatively, I’ve poisoned her with unhealthy foods, and I’ve overworked her. I would never treat another person in life like I treat my body and yet she has been my closest friend since my life began. So I began to see and speak to my body as the good friend she is to me. When I feel myself getting stressed, I apologize to her, breath and calm down. Not fair to take it out on her. When I’m powering through a workout and pushing too hard, I apologize and take a break. When I’m eating the wrong foods or stress eating, I stop with the realization it’s not her fault so stop taking it out on her. Seems silly but it’s really been a breakthrough for me to take better care of myself. It’s bigger than body positivity, it’s full body awareness and appreciation for being the strong vessel that has taken me through this life. 

SS: As a new Mom, how do you stay motivated to work out? How do you find the time?

CB: Fortunately I grew up with two active parents. My dad has run every day for 45 years and both parents were marathon runners. I grew up with fitness being part of my daily life every day and that continued into my entire life. The motivation is intrinsic because I feel less stressed, more focused and in a generally better mood when I workout in the morning. I want to be the best mother, wife and business owner I can be - that starts with taking care of me. As far as time, I schedule fitness into my day early in the morning. My husband and I take turns taking care of the baby in the morning so the other can workout. 


SS: Where do you look for fitness inspiration when you are in a rut? 

CB: We are fortunate we live in the mecca of health and fitness in Los Angeles so I like to try different classes around town when I need to mix up my workouts. 

SS:Any tips for moms out there looking to start a fitness regimen this year?

CB: Listen to your body first and find out what it is telling you it needs. Feeling like tight and stressed - find a flow and stretch type class that will increase flexibility while lowering cortisol levels. Feeling energized - head to a high intensity or cardio class. Continue to tune in, because we all have fitness seasons throughout the year, sometimes you need more intensity and sometimes you need to cool it down. There is a form of fitness for all your moods.

SS: We like to think working out should be fun and you should do what you most enjoy. What type of exercise makes you get excited?

CB: After years of going hard, I was filled with injuries and tightness head to toe. So right now I am in the season of regaining my flexibility and mobility. I am absolutely loving Kundalini Yoga. The yoga poses are designed to align the body and the mind. I go 2-3 times a week and there has been a huge difference in my flexibility, my metabolism and my well-being. Once a dancer - always a dancer, so I love going to a great dance class around town and can’t wait for my daughter to be able to go with me.

We send out a huge thank you to Christine for taking the time to speak with us about her goals and motivation in health and fitness! If you're eager to know even more, check out her businesses and websites below. 

Creator of :
KAYO Better Body Care®
Evolution 20® DVD Series
Evolution 20®: Super Shred Series
Body Re-Born Post-Natal Program
10 Minute Solution: Butt Lift