5 ways to never dread your workouts.

Girl, we get it. There are certain times where you just DREAD working out. You've had a bad day. You feel too bloated to put on leggings. You're just feeling plain lazy. Even as trainers, we for sure have been there right with you.

 We're Hillary and Yaya, Co-Owners of Shine Society Fitness in Redondo Beach, California. Since our opening 6 years ago, we've each consistently taught about 10 classes per week. Our variety of to-the-beat classes has us sweating and shining on an every-day basis, plus our formats are the kind that we really do the full workout with our clients each time.  So, we have pretty much dialed in on ways to support our workouts and motivate ourselves to SHOW UP and get EXCITED about our classes! Each. And. Every. Time. 

So how can you get to our level?! Well, we're sharing our 5 best tricks on how to stay motivated and never dread a workout again. Like, ever. 

1. Love your workout!

This may seem like a no-brainer, but really think about this one. If you're doing a format that feels miserable in your body and you're just doing it in hopes to get a certain result, the likelihood you'll stick to it is slim to none. You need to seek out a format, gym, or studio that offers the type of workouts you love and that you will never get bored of! You need to LOVE the workout you're doing, whether you love it in the moment, or you love the rush of endorphins it gives you after, you have to really want to do it! Or you'll find every excuse in the book NOT to go. 

2. Workout when you have time or whenever you have the most energy. 

Don’t pay attention to trainers that say it’s best to workout in the morning or at night (or whenever time for that matter!). The time of day doesn't make AS much of a difference. What does make a difference is that you feel up to working out at that time, OR you simply just have a specific time of the day you can fit it in! If lunch time is the only option, fit in a quick 30 minute workout sesh while you can. If you have the most energy in the early morning, make sure you set that alarm and get it in! Workout when it makes the MOST sense in your schedule. That way you don't feel drained by forcing yourself to workout at a certain time. That won't really work in your favor. 

3. Don’t be afraid to modify.

Maybe you might be thinking, "How does motifying make me not dread my workout?!" Two reasons! One, you might be a beginner with a new workout you're dying to try. There is no reason that you shouldn't try it and modify until you are strong enough to do the workout full-out. It will motivate you even more to show up so you can improve and keep you safe in the meantime! And two, modifying takes the pressure off when you have an "off" day. We all have them! If you still show up and modify a bit, it's better than skipping your workout altogether. You will also take away the guilt of feeling like you HAVE to perform at 110% in every workout you do! That's just no fun. Like Yaya always says, "There's no shame in your modifying game!"

4. Make sure your nutrition is supporting your workout.

Nothing makes a workout harder or more miserable than having zero energy for it. So make sure you are eating well to support your workouts! Try to eat a pre-workout snack 30-45 minutes before. This should be something light that won't upset your stomach, but has sufficient carbohydrates (yes, carbs are our friend!!!) to give you energy. Our go-to snack is a banana with some nut butter! Choose a light snack that is carb dense with a little protein, and you will fuel your energy stores and get your muscles prepared for exercise. Then, post workout, eat a balanced meal within 1 hour made up of protein, carbs, and healthy fats. Think a sweet potato, grilled meat or fish, and some nuts or avocado in a side salad! 

5. Grab a buddy and make a plan. At Shine studio we call this an "Accountabilibuddy!" A buddy that will hold you accountable for committing to your workouts. This friend, colleague, or family member can be your motivation! Schedule your workouts with them for the week, so when one of you wants to bail, the other will push you to follow through. Sometimes you need to listen to your body and rest, but a lot of the time, you just need a support system to make sure you show up. PLUS you get to look forward to seeing one of your favorite people! 

Alright babe, now you have all our best kept secrets on how to NEVER dread your workouts again! So get online, do your research, make your plan, and find the workout that gets you saying: "I'm gonna be back tomorrow."  We can't wait to hear all about your amazing results!! 

Shine on, 

Hillary and Yaya

Our 4 Favorite Mom Hacks of All Time!


Motherhood is so miraculous. Your very own little ones to love and cuddle and... give 1,000 snacks to every day. Ahhh the joys.

But to keep it real, it is hard to juggle all the things. Taking care of your kids, yourself, your home, keeping everyone healthy and fed, and trying to keep some sort of social life, and time for self care.... like, HOW?!

Well, we've rounded up some of our fav Mom Hacks for you. Are you ready to make your days easier?

Let's do this!


1. The Ember Mug

This is literally life changing. A mug... that magically keeps your coffee hot. Have you ever heard of a more necessary thing for Moms??? The Ember Mug keeps your coffee to the perfect temperature so you will never be that Mom that has to microwave your coffee 4 times, just to never actually finish it.

While you're at it, add in this Miroco Frother and you'll be making fancy barista-style lattes to sip all morning. I mean, does it get any better?

sakara, mom hacks

2. Sakara Meals

Sakara is our newest hack that has made healthy eating so easy and with food that's so good, your kids will want to steal it. These plant based meals are delivered to your door as often as you'd like, so there's zero hassle in putting together your own lunch after you've made something for the kiddos.

(psssst... Inner Shine Society Members get a 20% discount on all meal plans!)

Take our word on this - if you see the Date Cinnamon Rolls on the menu - do. not. hesitate.

sakara, mom hacks
sakara, mom hack

3. Secret Greens for Smoothies

Also from Sakara, the Protein + Greens packs are a sneaky secret to add to your smoothies so your kids will get more greens in! This supplement is plant based too, so the cleanest of clean ingredients and natural protein - and your kids will never know. Just throw in some blueberries if they turn away at even the slightest green color in their food and voila! Veggies and antioxidants they will never suspect.

Ultimate hack: Make healthy smoothie popsicles this Summer!


4. Natural Bubble Pods

End the day with a bubble bath that will blow their minds. Not only do these Bubble Pods make amazing bubbles, they also can be used to clean hair and bodies! They make bath time into play time and might save you a few dollars on soap. Plus, then you can relax a bit while the kids go ham with bubble mania. Win win.


We hoped this list brings you just a few extra moments of time in your day. Or at the very least, a hot cup of coffee.


What are your favorite Mom hacks?! Let us know and we'll keep sharing!

See you soon, Shine Society!

Hillary & Yaya

5 ways to never dread your workouts


Girl, we get it. There are certain times where you just DREAD working out. You've had a bad day. You feel too bloated to put on leggings. You're just feeling plain lazy. Even as trainers, we for sure have been there right with you.

We're Hillary and Yaya, Co-Owners of Shine Studio in Redondo Beach, California. Since our opening 4 years ago, we've each consistently taught about 10 classes per week. Our variety of to-the-beat classes has us sweating and shining on an every-day basis, plus our formats are the kind that we really do the full workout with our clients each time. So, we have pretty much dialed in on ways to support our workouts and motivate ourselves to SHOW UP and get EXCITED about our classes! Each. And. Every. Time.

So how can you get to our level?! Well, we're sharing our 5 best tricks on how to stay motivated and never dread a workout again. Like, ever.

Click HERE to read the blog!



 We will find a way to dance together and we can’t be stopped! 

Shine Studio is so much about community, so you can imagine that we’ve all missed moving, sweating, and shining together. So we decided it was time to dance together again! 

Shine Society, thank you for your loyalty, your stick-to-it-ness, your understanding and making the best of it, and your dedication to us during this shut down. Whether you’ve been with us since day one, or are a new Shine Online member, you are seen and valued like you don’t even know! To all of you who danced with us in this video and many, many more that aren’t pictured- We love you, #ShineSociety! 

Song: BURNITUP! By Janet Jackson and Missy Elliot - we do not own the rights to this music.

The Fit Girl’s Guide to Postpartum Recovery and more!

The Fit Girl’s Guide to Postpartum Recovery and tips to heal Diastasis Recti
by Hillary Lewis.


We can all agree that recovery from childbirth is pretty intense. As my husband said, it’s as if our body is recovering from a bad car wreck. I’m not 100% sure I love this analogy because it’s also a beautiful experience… buuut it’s kind of true. 

 Although I think we can agree the recovery is gnarly, it’s also different for everyone. Your birth experience might be completely opposite from the person in the delivery room across the hall, so naturally our bodies will all recover in differently. But, I do believe that there are commonalities within our recovery and I can help you by sharing some of the things I’ve learned to recover in a way that is safe and effective!

Read on to learn more about my story of recovery and get exercises to help heal your core! 

Click here - South Bay Mommies and Daddies

Beat-the-heat Summer Salad!


Aaaahhh summer. The season of beach days, BBQ's and... well, hot and sweaty nights in your house since most of us don't have AC here in the beach cities! The last thing we feel like doing when its 80 degrees inside at 7pm is cooking a meal over a hot stove. So, we wanted to share this summer salad to help you get through these heat spells we've been having!

The beautiful colors in these salads will make you feel like a gourmet chef! Throw together this easy recipe for a light and fresh meal at home or to bring to your next summer BBQ.


Watermelon, Tomato and Feta Salad
1 mini watermelon, cut into chucks
1 box of heirloom or colorful cherry tomatoes, sliced in half
1/4 red onion, thinly sliced
1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese
Optional: Mint leaves for garnish

1/4 cup olive oil
1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar
1 tablespoon honey
1/2 teaspoon salt


So much yum! Let us know what you think.
Tag us at @ShineStudioRB or use the hashtag #ShineSociety


Women that Inspire Us

Interview with Christine Bullock: Entrepreneur, Fitness Expert, and new Mom


Hello #ShineSociety! We'd like to introduce you to Christine Bullock. She is a local here in the South Bay and we couldn't help but notice that she seems to be nailing this whole entrepreneur/fitness expert/wife/mother thing. We are pretty new business owners and since Yaya is a new Mom to baby Hero and Hillary is expecting a little girl in July, we had to know how she does it! 

We reached out to her to ask her best tips in juggling and balancing work, fitness, family, and fun time- and making it look dang good in the process! We were thrilled that she agreed to do an interview with us so we could pick her brain and share it all with you! Enjoy getting to know her below and we are sure it will inspire you like it did us!


SS:Shine Studio is all about body positivity. What is your idea of body positivity?

CB: Recently it dawned on me that I haven’t treated my body very kindly in the past. I’ve talked about her negatively, I’ve poisoned her with unhealthy foods, and I’ve overworked her. I would never treat another person in life like I treat my body and yet she has been my closest friend since my life began. So I began to see and speak to my body as the good friend she is to me. When I feel myself getting stressed, I apologize to her, breath and calm down. Not fair to take it out on her. When I’m powering through a workout and pushing too hard, I apologize and take a break. When I’m eating the wrong foods or stress eating, I stop with the realization it’s not her fault so stop taking it out on her. Seems silly but it’s really been a breakthrough for me to take better care of myself. It’s bigger than body positivity, it’s full body awareness and appreciation for being the strong vessel that has taken me through this life. 

SS: As a new Mom, how do you stay motivated to work out? How do you find the time?

CB: Fortunately I grew up with two active parents. My dad has run every day for 45 years and both parents were marathon runners. I grew up with fitness being part of my daily life every day and that continued into my entire life. The motivation is intrinsic because I feel less stressed, more focused and in a generally better mood when I workout in the morning. I want to be the best mother, wife and business owner I can be - that starts with taking care of me. As far as time, I schedule fitness into my day early in the morning. My husband and I take turns taking care of the baby in the morning so the other can workout. 


SS: Where do you look for fitness inspiration when you are in a rut? 

CB: We are fortunate we live in the mecca of health and fitness in Los Angeles so I like to try different classes around town when I need to mix up my workouts. 

SS:Any tips for moms out there looking to start a fitness regimen this year?

CB: Listen to your body first and find out what it is telling you it needs. Feeling like tight and stressed - find a flow and stretch type class that will increase flexibility while lowering cortisol levels. Feeling energized - head to a high intensity or cardio class. Continue to tune in, because we all have fitness seasons throughout the year, sometimes you need more intensity and sometimes you need to cool it down. There is a form of fitness for all your moods.

SS: We like to think working out should be fun and you should do what you most enjoy. What type of exercise makes you get excited?

CB: After years of going hard, I was filled with injuries and tightness head to toe. So right now I am in the season of regaining my flexibility and mobility. I am absolutely loving Kundalini Yoga. The yoga poses are designed to align the body and the mind. I go 2-3 times a week and there has been a huge difference in my flexibility, my metabolism and my well-being. Once a dancer - always a dancer, so I love going to a great dance class around town and can’t wait for my daughter to be able to go with me.

We send out a huge thank you to Christine for taking the time to speak with us about her goals and motivation in health and fitness! If you're eager to know even more, check out her businesses and websites below. 

Creator of :
KAYO Better Body Care®
Evolution 20® DVD Series
Evolution 20®: Super Shred Series
Body Re-Born Post-Natal Program
10 Minute Solution: Butt Lift

Shine Sunday Sweat

Get your Sunday workout in with Hillary and Yaya on the Esplanade in Redondo Beach by following these heart pumping and strengthening moves!

*Don't live near Redondo? Find a bench and get to it!

Start your workout with a short 20 minute jog or walk along the strand to get warmed up. 

Push ups


Place your hands on the short Esplanade wall overlooking the ocean and step back into plank position. Bend at the elbows, taking your chest toward the wall and creating a 90 degree angle with the arms. Do 20 push ups total.  

Kick Backs


Step your right foot up onto the wall and push off, kicking your left leg back and keeping your right knee bent. Make sure you keep the extended leg straight as you kick and keep your abs engaged so you are not arching your back. Repeat 10 times, and then switch to the other leg. 

Squat Jumps


Facing the wall and the ocean, plant your toes and knees forward, stepping slightly wider than your hips. Squat down, taking your arms behind you, and jump up into a squat position on the wall. Bend into the knees and jump back down into a squat on the ground. Be sure to keep softening in the knees and landing lightly on the feet in each squat position. Do 10 total squat jumps. 
Modifcation: Step up one leg at a time, and down one leg at a time. Alternate the leg you go up and down on each time. 

Repeat this whole sequence 3 more times.


You did it! High Five!


Don't forget to tag us that you got your #SHINESUNDAYSWEAT in @ShineStudioRB!
Even if its not Sunday! ;) 



Our Tips and Tricks!

Tips and Tricks: How to stick to your daily workouts!


Having trouble staying motivated?
We've got tons of ways you can push yourself to stick to your weekly and daily workouts! 

1. Put it on your schedule. On Sunday night (or while you meal prep for the week!), schedule your classes on Mindbody Online and then immediately put them in your calendar. Then when you are planning your week, you know to plan your other activities around your workouts, rather than the other way around! 

2. Use the buddy system. You are 10 times more likely to stick to a workout if you have a friend that is coming with you! Even better, find a accountability buddy (aka #SHINESISTA) and make a plan to check in with each other daily to make sure you are sticking to your workout plan for the week!

3. Commit to a membership. Sometimes the biggest motivation you might need is to sign up for a full time unlimited membership! Once you do, you won't want to waste your hard earned money, so you will show up more often to get the most out of it that you possibly can! 

4. Turn that frown upside down! Have you had a rough day? You can always count on us for a big smile and positive vibes! And a hug if you need it. :) Tired from a long day at work? Endorphins will do the trick to get that energy back up! Get yourself to Shine and we'll take care of that for you. 

5. Join a challenge. We are always trying to find ways to motivate our members, which is why we have fun challenges to get you to move out of your comfort zone and push yourself a bit harder. Join our current challenge, ShineBingo! One of the challenges is to take 20 classes this month. Can you do it?? The answer is.... YES! We believe in you! 

Have you heard about our Shine Bingo challenge? CLICK HERE for more information.
It's not too late for you to join, Shine Bingo ends September 30th 2107!


Shine Bingo starts September 1st!

Conquer fun challenges, try new classes, and sport your #ShineSwag for a chance to win awesome prizes all September long! 

This is just the motivation you need to get back into your routine as schools start again and Summer comes to a close. Plus, the more Bingo's you get, the better the chance you have to win a full outfit of your choice from Kate Hudson's Athletic Wear line, Fabletics! Woot woot!



Shine Bingo Details and Rules:

• Shine Bingo challenge runs September 1st-30th
• Each time you get a Bingo, you will be entered to win a weekly prize and the Grand Prize!
• By Saturday of each week, head to the front desk to present your bingo and enter your name for the drawing. The name will be drawn for each week at the end of Saturdays classes and will be announced the following Monday.
• Each challenge completed can only be used for one square at a time. 

Weekly prizes include Fabletics gear, at-home spa gift bag, Shine Swag, and more!

Grand Prize is a full outfit of your choice from Fabletics!

Summa Summa Summa time!

Its the last official summer month... how did the time fly!?! 
Well, we decided we'd like to celebrate with you by having a ton of awesome events in August. We'd love to see our #ShineSociety and enjoy the summer fun with you!

Invite your gals, pals, and fellow #SHINESISTAS and get your SHINE ON! 



Surprise Summer Sale! Starts Tuesday (tomorrow) thru Thursday only!!
August 1st, 2nd and 3rd

Get 20% ALL class packs and #ShineSwag with code SHINEON20
This code is only good for ONE transaction, so if you'd like to purchase,
say, a ShineSwag Bundle (hat + tee)
PLUS a 10 pack, feel free to purchase it all in-studio to get the full 20% off!


Paddle Board Yoga with Michelle Gurst
Sunday, August 13th
9am-11am, $30

Enjoy a day in the sunshine with us in the Redondo Harbor! We will paddle out into the water and then anchor for a Yoga sesh on our board! This was one of Yaya and Hillary's first "fitness dates," so we wanted to share this unforgettable experience with you!! :)


Project: Beautiful Me
A FREE outdoor event with Athleta at The Point
August 20th, mini-PopFit class from 9-9:30am

This event was created to bring women together in encouragement of self-love and body positivity! How cool is that!? Join us for a 30 minute PopFit class and then following will be a self-love talk, a yoga session, and more fun events! Details on the full schedule will be posted soon.

Mark your calendars! RSVP to come.


FREE Pound at Del Amo Fabletics
August 27th, 9am

Join our very own Fabletics Master Yaya, at the Fabletics in Del Amo mall for a rockin' workout! Haven't tried Pound yet!? This is your perfect opportunity to get a free workout and give it a try!!

Mark your calendars! RSVP to come. 



Wednesday, August 30th, 6:30pm ($15)
The biggest rooftop dance party of the year!!

Experience our PopFit Cardio Dance class on the beautiful Shade Hotel Redondo Beach Sky Deck! Dance into the sunset with us and get your sweat on during this fun and calorie-crushing workout sesh with 100 of your best friends! Enjoy gifts afterwards from Suja Juice, Coco Loco Products, and more!

*48 hour cancellation policy will be in effect for all ticket sales


A Delicious Spring Recipe for Any Meal of the Day

A Delicious Spring Recipe for Any Meal of the Day

Happy Spring #ShineSociety! We wanted to share a delicious meal with you using in-season spring ingredients so you can celebrate the beginning of the sunny season with us. We love this recipe because you can make it for breakfast, brunch, lunch OR dinner! It’s incredibly light, super healthy and packed with flavor. Hillary makes it all the time and its one of her husbands’ favorite meals! Even without the hearty proteins, the eggs and spinach really fill you up and leave you feeling satisfied and fresh.


Throw on your apron and get to cookin’!

Fluffy Spinach Baked Eggs

1 bag of Spinach
4 eggs
2 oz. feta cheese
Zest of 1 lemon
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tablespoon of chives, diced
1 tablespoon olive oil
Pinch of salt and pepper

1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Spray a baking dish with olive oil spray (or brush with oil) and set aside.

2. In a medium bowl, lightly whisk the eggs. Put in half the feta and mix in to the eggs. Then crumble in the rest of the feta, add the chives and fold in (the feta should remain chunky). Mix in a pinch of salt and pepper.


3. In a large pan, sauté the garlic and lemon zest in the olive oil for a minute or two. Add in the spinach, and then the squeeze the lemon juice into the pan. Sauté for 3-4 minutes until soft.

4. Remove the greens from the stove and add to the egg mixture. Stir until combined and pour into your baking dish, making sure the ingredients are evenly spread.


5. Bake for 20-30 minutes until the eggs are set. (While the eggs are baking, prepare your salad, recipe below.) Remove and let cool for a few minutes.

Arugula Salad with Grapes, Avocado and Pecans


1 bag Arugula
2 bunches of Grapes
1 avocado
1 handful of pecans
*Add in a little feta if you’d like!

Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper
Balsamic vinegar


Your dressing of choice

1. While the eggs are baking, toss arugula into a large bowl.
2. Chop grapes in half and avocado into bite size pieces.
3. Throw in grapes, avocado, and pecans into the arugula (and a little feta if you’d like!).
4. Drizzle olive oil and a small splash of balsamic over the salad. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and squeeze a little extra lemon over the top.
5. Toss and enjoy!


We hope you enjoyed this simple and tasty spring recipe! See you in class soon, and ...


Gabby Reece’s Inspiring YouTube Video

Gabby Reece’s Inspiring YouTube Video

Gabby Reece and her daughter Reece Hamilton took to You Tube to tell women everywhere to STEP OFF THE SCALE!

When we saw this video we were both incredibly inspired and so grateful that other women in the fitness and health industries are stepping up to clarify how important it is to not dwell on a number or a pant size. In this video, she and her daughter expose their weights, but only to show that weight and health look different on every body! And guess what- sometimes being heavier can be a good thing (!), because it means you have trained hard and are stronger than ever before.

We encourage each and every one of our #SHINESOCIETY to watch this video and take note! Being healthy is about living your best life. Not about a number, but how you feel and how strong and confident you are in your shape.

Thank you Gabby and Reece for sharing this video and sending an amazing, body- positive message! It is a great reminder that healthy looks different on EVERYONE.

The #ILoveMe Movement

The #ILoveMe Movement

The #ILoveMe Movement is meant to inspire you to make the whole month of February about loving and appreciating yourself! Every day at Shine Studio we try to instill positivity and self-love into our #ShineSociety members. We see each and every one of you come in and give yourself a little self love in an hour of exercise or an hour of time with your friends, and we see you walk out with a big smile on your face... even though you might be a bit more sore than when you first walked in!

We challenge you to see this month as an important part of starting the year of 2017 off right. Take the #ILoveMe challenge with us and take time to find what makes you a unique, amazing, complex, smart, and beautiful individual. You deserve it!

We have many friends and #BossBabes that are leading the charge to happier and healthier lives, so we asked them to share their secrets to self-love.

We hope this inspires you to create a life of love and abundance, with you at the center!


Kylie Realmuto, South Bay Sweat

What do you love about yourself?
“I love my bravery. Because I moved three times to places where I knew only 1 to 2 people, including a move from Alabama to Los Angeles, and I have met some of the most beautiful souls who inspire me daily and mean the absolute world to me. I have had some of the most amazing opportunities while living in a place where healthy choices are very accessible. I love the life I have, immersing myself into a positive, healthy, loving culture and bravery got me here.”

What is your secret to self-love?
“Taking the pressure off. On my toughest days I have to sort out two things: What unnecessary pressure am I putting on myself? Over commitments, impossible goals, mile long to-do lists, unreasonable expectations, and etc. Secondly, what does Kylie need today? A fun treat (Alfred's famous $10 matcha) a bubble bath, some endorphins, happy hour with the girls or cuddles and a movie with my hubby.”


Olivia Romero, Green Peas Pink Wine

What do you love about yourself?
“WOW, where to start!?! Just kidding.... To be honest, I love a lot of things about myself. And those things are both on the "inside" and the "outside". Let me explain. The things I like on the "inside" are my confidence, which was nurtured by my mother. She raised me to me a strong, passionate and confident woman. That brings me to strong. I am strong willed, strong minded and physically strong as well. I love fitness and it is a part of my every day life. I love to move, feel healthy and fit as well as feeding my body with a balanced healthy and clean diet. Next is passionate. I am passionate about life, my career, my husband (the love of my life) and of course my friends and family. I have a lot of love to give and I definitely love hard. 
That brings me to the "outside" I LOVE my family and friends immensely! With out these people I wouldn't be the woman I am today and life would be so worthless. I lean on them, they lean on me. I support them, they support me. We create memories that truly make life worthwhile and I cherish every moment I have with them.”

What is your secret to self-love?
“My secret to self love is to first realize your soul was put on this earth to BE someone. You need to know that you have a purpose, whether it is great or small. And beauty comes from within. If you feel physically healthy, you take care of your body and nourish it correctly, get enough sleep and laugh a lot, you will feel strong and confident enough to love yourself first. 
Second, you need to surround yourself with people that support you as well and build you up. Be around people who have similar goals, likes and dislikes and who you feel confident with. Those are the keys to self - love.“


Whitney English, To Live & Diet in L.A.

What do you love about yourself?
“I love my sense of humor. I love laughing and making people laugh.”

What is your secret to self-love?
“The secret to my self-love is acknowledging that everyone is unique, and that's a good thing. Not better, not worse, just different. As long as I'm true to myself and striving to be the best person I can be, then I am happy.”


Katie Bressack

What do you love about yourself?
“It took me many years to be able to say this but, I love everything about myself! I struggled for a long time with my body (mostly my butt), especially back when I lived in NYC where everyone was so stylish and always looked so toned and fit. It wasn't until I started practicing yoga and found myself holding plank and warrior poses where I realized how strong I was. I became grateful for my butt and thighs, parts of my body that I wasn't never really fond of, but now without them I couldn't hold these poses that make me feel empowered and confident in my body. Once I started loving every inch of me, the inner mean girl shut up, and things in my life radically changed. I became a yoga teacher, went back to school for nutrition and started my own business. I truly believe that the moment I let go and truly embraced every part of my self my body felt relaxed and is happy to love me back.”

What is your secret to self-love?
“Making myself a real priority! The more I slow down, the more I only say yes to things that feel like a Hell yes, when I spend time with people where I can be myself I find it way easier to be kind to myself. When I'm super busy and feeling depleted, that's when it becomes easier to compare myself to others, and that's when those destructive thoughts and feelings arise. I take time every day to recognize if what I'm doing feels good, and if things are no longer in alignment I make adjustments so that I feel like a priority.”


Mariel Heather, Owner of THINKALLWAYS

What do you love about yourself?
“I love this question because when I was younger my answer would probably be, “Nothing.” Over the years however, we go through adversity, good times, bad times, we’re constantly tested and throughout this time, we learn more about ourselves than ever!
What I love about myself is my strength. Time after time, situation after situation, I am pleasantly surprised with my strength to overcome obstacles, get back on my feet, spin negatives to positives in a way that can inspire other women and never ever give up.”

What is your secret to self-love?
“DO NOT BE SO HARD ON YOURSELF!! I’m my own worst critic and our self-talk is very powerful. To counter this, I keep a gratitude journal and it’s really helpful to not only write down every day the little things you’re grateful for in your life but to note what you’re grateful for about YOURSELF! We all have unique gifts and personalities. If you’re not sure what they are, ask your friends and family what they love about you. Once you write them down, embrace them, honor them and PLEASE BE NICE TO YOURSELF. :)"


Amanda Gray, Founder of Sweat and Flow

What do you love about yourself?
“My willingness to go deep and recover from the "disease to please." It has allowed me to find my voice and speak my truth, know my value, and set healthy boundaries with others.  Such a simple concept, but it has been radically life-changing in terms of creating self-worth and confidence.”

What is your secret to self-love?
“Self-love can't come without self-care, and self-care is a daily practice of checking in with yourself. Honestly ask yourself, what do you need? Some days that might be skin deep- a fresh manicure, a massage, a relaxing bubble bath. Other days it may need to go deeper-- meditating, journaling, therapy, etc. Being grounded in self-love requires that we accept, without judgment, both the shadow and the light within.”


Courtney Satow, Owner of NutriZen

What do you love about yourself?
"I love that I feel so deeply. Sometimes people can look at sensitivity as a downfall but for me, it makes me who I am. I am a sensitive person and it makes me that much more passionate about helping others, helping animals, helping our environment. I care so much about so many different things including my own personal well-being. I am very aware of times when I am feeling down or not quite myself and choose to do something about it rather than suffer in silence. I have truly grown to love myself more over the years the more I have looked deeper past the physical layers."

What is your secret to self love?
"I really try and listen to my body. I love practicing yoga and going to kickboxing/working out but sometimes I just need a nap or I need to go home and have a glass of wine. There is no sense in beating myself up over not doing something that I intended on doing when my body asked for something else. On the contrary, it is important to hold myself accountable to work out and fuel my body because that’s what’s good for me. Finding that healthy balance of never overdoing anything is usually what gets me through each week. I don’t have a six-pack, I am not the most toned person you’ve ever seen but I have chosen that and love my body for everything it does. I am stronger than I ever thought I would be physically and mentally, doing things in my yoga practice I never thought possible. That to me is enough."


Yaya Margarita, Co-Owner of Shine Studio

What do you love about yourself?
"I love that people feel comfortable to be themselves around me, knowing I won't judge them for what they like and their 'quirks'. I know what it's like to feel like an outcast, so I do my best not to let anyone else feel that way. You're into Larping? 'Cool!' Enjoy musicals? 'Let's go!' Dressing up for Comic-Con? 'I'll meet you there in an Ewok costume.' Just be yourself, and I'll adore you for it."

What is your secret to self-love?
"Be patient with yourself, we are consistently changing and trying to figure ourselves out everyday; Be patient, you'll get to where to want you want to be. Just focus on you, quit comparing yourself to others, work hard, help as many people as possible, and do it with a smile."


Hillary Lewis, Co-Owner of Shine Studio

What do you love about yourself?
"I have always had big dreams. I have sacrificed a lot of things to pursue them, but doing so has brought me to so many wonderful places and allowed me to meet such amazing people. My dreams have shaped me into a well rounded, empathetic, and adventurous person. I'm so thankful for that!"

What is your secret to self-love?
“I have learned to be easy on myself. As a recovering perfectionist, I have to remind myself that its ok to have flaws, to mess up, to have off days, because those things are to be, simply, human. If you continue to remind yourself of all the positive things you bring into the world, and also work every day to be the kindest and most hardworking person you can be, then you know you are doing the best you can. And that's something to be proud of."



10 Days of Shine!

We have a challenge for you, #ShineSociety!

In the New Year, we hear a lot of people making lofty resolutions and vowing that they will completely change their routine on January 1st. We are all about setting goals over here, but we’d like you to know that we don’t subscribe to the “New Year, New You” slogan, because… guess what… we already love you the way you are! Right now. Today. Its true!

So instead, we are launching our “New Year, Try Something New” campaign. The idea is to push all of us to try new things and surprise ourselves with how much fun we have stepping out of our comfort zone.

Here is our challenge for you!

Follow this “New Year, Try Something New” Calendar and enjoy 10 Days of Shine. We will be joining you on this journey and sharing on our social media channels each day. 

Don’t forget to tag us @ShineStudioRB and #10DaysOfShine for a chance to WIN AN ULTIMATE GIFT BAG full of fun things to reward yourself for sticking to your “New Year, Try Something New” goals.


January 1st - Post about your “New Year, Try Something New” goal!

January 2nd - Try a new class at Shine Studio

January 3rd - Make a new healthy recipe for dinner

January 4th - Make a plan with a new friend

January 5th - Throw back Thursday! Post a #tbt picture of when you tried something new.

January 6th - How do you Shine? Post about what makes you your most happy & healthy.

January 7th - Post about your favorite class at Shine Studio

January 8th - Take a “shot” at self-love (post a self-love selfie!)

January 9th - Try a different class at Shine Studio

January 10th - Post about your 10 Days of Shine experience


We hope you will start this year off with a new mindset on your health and fitness goals.

We are here for you and want you to be your best self. Make this the year that you break

barriers, surprise yourself, say YES, and believe that you can be successful. We know

that each of you have it in you to make all your goals become realities.

Now get out there, and try something new!


